Mickey Kelley's 60th Birthday Pictures

at Cafe Napoli on 7/23/11

Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Ballons Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Cake Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Connie Jane Joseph Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Connie Joseph Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Dottie and husband and Kathy
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Dottie Kathy Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Jack 1 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Jack Jane Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Kathy Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mark Andrew
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Maureen Ed Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick blowing out Candles Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Cake Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Cake2 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Dan Kathy lighting cake
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Dan Kathy Rory lighting cake Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Maureen Rory lighting cake Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Presents Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Presents 2 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mick Rory lighting cake
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey 1 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey 2 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey 3 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey Dottie Kathy Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey Lydia Andrew Rory
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey Lydia Andrew Rory Ed Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey Lydia Mark Andrew Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Mickey Lydia Mark Andrew Rory Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Photo Board Small Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Photo Board Small 2
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Rory 1 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Rory 2 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Rory 3 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Rory 4 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Table
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...
Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Table 2 Mickey Kelley 60th B-Day - Waitress 2
Mickey Kelley 60... Mickey Kelley 60...

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